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A Little About Us


What is the Phlock?

The 5 O'Clock Phlock Parrot Head Club was hatched on December 7, 2007. We are an officially sanctioned club with our national organization, Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. (PHIP).


We are a diverse group of all ages made up of professionals, retirees, adults, students, families with "parakeets"... and every single type of tropically-minded person in between.


Our goal is to get Parrot Heads together for fun, food and perhaps some crazy adventures from time-to-time, as well as supporting the goals of PHiP. 

We Party with a Purpose!

Wondering what a Parrot Head is, or what we do?

Basically, a Parrot Head is someone who loves the life that Jimmy Buffett sings about and loves Trop-Rock music.​ There are local chapters of Parrot Heads in Paradise (PHiP) all over the USA as well as several international clubs. These clubs promote fellowship as well as community involvement and environmental issues.

What is a Parrot Head?

Supporting Our Community

The purpose of the 5 O'Clock Phlock Parrot Head Club is to provide charitable and educational activities promoting the general welfare of community. 

We believe in leaving our community better than we found it.  We support local charities, participate in the local Alzheimer's Walk in a big way plus many other causes to help out our community. We believe in doing all we can to better our communities.  Whether we're raising money for our charities or cleaning up the environment...we do it with pride!  And, best of all....we have PHun while we do it!  

We Party with a Purpose!

   Just A Few of Our Favorite Community Partners 

Walk To End Alzheimer's 

Our Championship 5OCP Walk Team participates in The Woodlands Walk to End Alzheimer's each October. Our bright pink tent & our life size Flamingos can be seen all across Town Green Park as we hand out goodies to kids & adults alike before they begin their walk. As part of The Parrot Heads in Paradise National Walk Team, our club team is honored to walk in memory of Jimmy Buffet's Dad, who died of Alzheimer's, & for our own loved ones lost or in the fight now.

Faith Fighting Cancer in 
Montgomery County

Faith Fighting Cancer in Montgomery County was founded in 2010 & is named in honor of Faith Wilson, a tireless cancer advocate. FFC funds stay in our local community to help area cancer patients & their families. 5OCP participates in the annual Christmas Tea, where we adopt a family effected by cancer - most often childhood cancer - and provide Christmas gifts for the entire family. We also support various Breast Cancer projects with the organization.

Montgomery County

SPCA PETS SNAP of Montgomery County  supports a community where animals are valued, treated with respect & kindness. To accomplish that mission the organization rescues & rehabilitates homeless animals, providing a safe haven for the animals until a suitable adoptive home is found. 5OCP participates in the annual "Pooches & Patriots" Fundraiser & hosts a "Dogust" House Party each year & collects needed items for their foster/shelter operation.

New Danville

Founded in 2005, New Danville serves adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities, & those needing similar services, in a rural environment promoting dignity, respect, & the opportunity to live enriched & purposeful lives. Our club raises money for special equipment needs, we help with their "Spring Thing"  annual fundraiser.  New Danville Wranglers (residents & program participants) help US too, by doing the wrapping for our annual "Candy Roll Project". 

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